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To: RME3D@aol.com
From: dma@mcs.com (Dan Ablan)
Subject: Re: TCLA Scene #2
Cc: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Sender: owner-lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
>I was rendering some frames, using the toaster board as a test,
>everything looked fine. I started to render to the PAR.
>With Med res, and low antialiasing on, i couldn't understand
>why I would see jaggies on chrome edge/magblue BG?
Make sure that the "Chroma Filter" is turned ON in the
Also.. Framestore saving sometimes is cleaner than RGB.
>From my experiences with the PAR...
Good Luck.
(312) 239-7957
dma@mcs.com (Dan Ablan) sent this message.
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